Thursday 23 July 2020

My Chattisgarh Diaries: the Mesmerizing Tirathgarh Waterfall

Tirathgarh waterfall is in Baster region of Chattisgarh.
Tirathgarh Waterfall
My first ever visit to the Indian State of Chattisgarh was turning out pretty interesting so far. The tribal region of Bastar was a complete surprise package. The region is blessed with many beautiful waterfalls. I could visit two waterfalls located near Jagdalpur town. One was Chitrakote Waterfall and the other was Tirathgarh Waterfall. I have already written about my visit to Chitrakote Waterfall. 
Here is the article link:

Chitrakote and Tirathgarh waterfalls can be easily clubbed together for a single day visit provided one had their own personal vehicle. It is difficult to visit these two waterfalls on the same day if one is using public transport since the waterfalls are located in two different directions. Read on about the day visit to the beautiful Tirathgarh Waterfall. 

The breathtaking Tirathgarh Waterfall is around 35 kms from Jagdalpur town. I took a public bus from the main bus stand. There is actually no direct bus from the town to the waterfall. It was a long journey on the state highway. The bus dropped me at the entry gate of Kanger Valley National Park. When one is coming from Jagdalpur side, the road leading to the waterfall is on the right side of the road and entry to Kanger Valley National Park is on the left side. Getting down from the bus, I crossed the road and waited at the check post. A small outpost with a tin roof acted as the check post. There was a sitting bench  as well. A man manning the check post called me to come and sit on the bench. It was again very far, around 6 kms, from the check post to Tirathgarh Waterfall.

I waited at the check post with the hope to get a lift from a passing vehicle to the waterfall. During my waiting time at the check post, I struck up a conversation with the man. He stopped a guy coming on a bike and requested him to drop me near the waterfall. I hopped onto the guy’s bike. The bike vroomed vroomed on the smooth tarmac road with dense forest on both sides. It was just us on the solitary forest road. The biker safely dropped me at the entrance of the waterfall.
There is a check post for entry to Tirathgarh Waterfall. The waterfall is 6 kms from the check post.
check post for Tirathgarh Waterfall
entry fee for vehicles from check post to Tirathgarh waterfall
one for the memories at the check post
the forested road from the check post to Tirathgarh Waterfall
An open field and cluster of snack stalls led to the cemented arched gate entrance of the waterfall. Many winding stairs led to the bottom of the waterfall. Since it is a popular site, there were already hordes of people around the waterfall. It is in Kanger Valley National Park. River Kanger and its tributaries, ‘Manuga’ and ‘Bahar’ together produce this beautiful Tirathgarh waterfall. It is a year round destination. But as always with waterfalls, during and after monsoon is the best time to visit this mesmerizing waterfall to experience its beauty and glory. Since I visited in January i.e. winter time there was less water, but still worth it. One can enjoy the full beauty of the waterfall from the top or can take steps down to see it.
finally at Tirathgarh Waterfall
entrance to Tirathgarh Waterfall
stairs leading to Tirathgarh WAterfall

Tirathgarh Waterfall
Tirathgarh Waterfall

The white water cascaded down a series of rocky outcrops giving the effect of many waterfalls rather than just one. You will forget your tiredness once you reach the bottom after climbing down the many steps and behold this natural beauty. The multiple falls created pools that was a good opportunity to take a dip or two in the cold water. As always be careful while swimming and taking a dip. There are viewing decks from where you can safely watch this waterfall. The surrounding landscape of Kanger Valley added to the overall beauty of the place. There is a small temple on a huge rock opposite to the waterfall. The top of this tiny hill offered a very good view of the waterfall. Do be carefull because monkeys are frequent visitors since the waterfall lies within the national park.
Tirathgarh Waterfall
Tirtahgarh Waterfall
rocky landscape of Kanger Valley
many monkeys in the area
one for the memories with Tirathgarh Waterfall

many monkey visitors
temple on a huge rock opp. to the waterfall
Tirathgarh waterfall is 35 kms from Jagdalpur town, in Chattisgarh.
Tirathgarh waterfall 
one for the memories with Tirathgarh Waterfall 
You can find series of isolated spots if you venture further down the levels and probably can have your own oasis of peace and calm away from the maddening crowd. I climbed down till the second level. Many visitors thronged the place that day. Families, couples, young boys and girls were frolicking near the water spots, taking a dip, and most of them were in the mood to get drenched under the cascading waterfall. I was also in the mood to do exactly that, but alas I didn’t bring along any spare clothes. So what I did was simply lazing around the water spots, feeling the breeze caressing my face, listening to the sound of birds chirping, and soaking in the tranquillity of the place. The roar of the cascading waterfall was therapeutic to the ears…the ears that were so overburdened with the city noises. When I was at the second level of the waterfall, ofcourse one needs to take the steep stairs to reach there, I stood under the waterfall for a few minutes without getting drenched wholly. The platform was slippery. The overhead rock acted as a cosy shelter. It was pure unadultered fun to be right under a cascading waterfall. The waterfall felt like a milky white curtain. The cold spray hits you and you try your best to balance yourself on the slippery platform lest you don’t slip and fall. There is a huge boulder in the pool nearby; a series of smaller boulders led to the huge boulder. I gingerly hopped and skipped over the smaller boulders to reach the bigger one. Once I reached the bigger boulder, I sat there for a long time. I was literally sitting in the middle of the pool created by the waterfall. My phone camera was busy in happily clicking countless pictures of the waterfall.

the second level of Tirathgarh Waterfall
water of the waterfall flows further down
rocky landscape
Tirathgarh Waterfall
visitors at the wtaerfall
the rocky bed
children having fun at the pool created by the waterfall
Tirathgarh Waterfall



one for the memories with Tirathgrah Waterfall

a temple at Tirathgarh Waterfall
steps that lead from the first level to the second level
After spending my two hours of happy time with the magnificent waterfall, that served as an ideal spot for relaxation, picnic, and adventure I left the place. The makeshift shops near the parking spot sold bhajiyas, biscuits, chips, tea, cold drinks, water bottles, etc. Some stalls even served you rice, dal either veg or non-veg for lunch. I gulped down some hot cup of tea and freshly prepared bhajiyas at a stall. Since this particular stall wasn’t serving lunch, and so I proceeded to another nearby stall to have a late veg lunch. The lunch was simple, but freshly prepared right on the spot on a traditional chulha (stove). It costed 50 rupees.
shops and eateries near Tirathgarh Waterfall
traditional chulha
food being cooked on a traditional chulha (stove) 
veg lunch for 50 rupees
the lady at her shop where I had lunch
It was 3:00 p.m. I waited at the parking spot hoping to get a lift till the check post. It was a long wait. A few local village folks were sitting on the ground near me. They told me, “No need to worry. You will get some vehicle.” After a long wait, I saw a white car coming. I signalled them to stop. I requested the middle-aged couple inside the car if they could drop me till the check post. They immediately agreed. I hopped onto the front seat and was safely dropped at the requested spot. I thanked the couple. 

The entry gate to Kanger Valley National Park was right opposite to the check post on the state highway, the state highway that connects Jagdalpur nad Sukma. I knew it was already late, still asked the lady at the ticket counter. She informed me it was already too late for entry. I realized I should have come early in the morning instead. Nevermind…there is always the next time. With nothing much to do, I kept walking up and down, waiting for the return bus to Jagdalpur town. I got occupied in admiring the tall trees and serenity of the place. It was 4:00 p.m. The state highway cuts through the dense forest of the Kanger Valley National Park. One could listen to the forest noise when no vehicle was passing by. It was hush all around. The silence got sadly broken by the overbearing noise of random passing vehicle. I soaked in the stillness and silence at that spot in the middle of the state highway near the entry gate of Kanger Valley National Park. My reverie was broken when I saw a bus approaching from around a bend. The bus stopped and I boarded it for the return journey to Jagdalpur town. Since the state highway cuts through Kanger Valley National Park, half of the journey was truly scenic with hairpin bends at a few places. By 5:00 p.m. I was back at Jagdalpur town.

the state highway that connects Jagdalpur and Sukma
the entry gate to Kanger Valley National Park
ticket counter for entry to Kanger Valley Ntaional Park
the state highway passing through Kanger Valley National Park
on my way to Jagdalpur
Jagdalpur bus station
Jagdalpur Bus Station
Suffice to say, it was an unparalled joy to witness and experience this beautiful marvel of nature. I had a happy day!

Thank you for stopping by!
Happy travelling feet!

Travelled on: 16 January 2020

© The content and pictures are copyright of Hema Hazarika (thehaflonggirl).

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