It's Me, thehaflonggirl

Namaste beautiful people,

I am glad you are here. Please welcome! Make yourself comfortable.

I will waste 5 minutes of your valuable time with my clumsy introduction and make you go happy nuts. Sorry!

TheHaflongGirl is yours truly, Hema Hazarika. I call Haflong, a small hilly town of Assam, India as my hometown, where I learnt A for Agartala, B for Bikaner, C for Cochin, and so on; and duly completed graduation in Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Robert Frost. I spread my wings and flew to Guwahati to do my Masters in Sarojini Naidu, Thomas Hardy, John Keats, and other writers/poets.
I spread my wings further and flew like a Superman further to Delhi and Chennai to work as an Editor for the publishing house, OUPI (Oxford University Press India). Currently am on a career can say am on a sabbatical.

Now, the clichΓ© part of how this blog took its baby birth.

Many of my online friends on FB are aware about my travels through my numerous travel updates on my timelines during the last 8 years as I travelled extensively all over India. I mostly prefer solo travelling. Once in a blue moon, I travel with a company.

So, naturally some of my friends felt that I should start blogging. What more some of them even wanted me to start a YouTube travel vlog.πŸ˜€ With this on mind, I was obviously reminded every now and then about it by them. They  would text me, urge me, and coax me. There was this particular friend of mine, Bhawna who even sent a few links of "how to create a blog".😊 Oh bless her heart! But me being me, never paid any serious thought to the idea. I was kinda lazy! There were times when I, too, felt the urge to create one. But it never materialised due to my indecisive mind.

Today is 9 June 2019. It is Sunday. Two days ago, while chatting with Saraswati, one of my friends the topic of starting a travel blog again came up. She threw every valid reason at me as to why I should start a travel blog now since I have free time and build up my writing profile. She further added, "building up your writing profile will make people to take you seriously as a writer".☺She encouraged me with some more of her inspirational talk.πŸ˜„

After the conversation ended, I had no clue what exactly happened and how it happened. I created my travel blog on Blogger at that very moment and immediately jotted down my very first post that very night and posted it. That very first post is titled "The Bus Ride to Pangong Tso". It was 7 June 2019. 😊 That first travel post on my blog is very special to me. It is my first baby. Now, that baby is yours. You are welcome to sing a lullaby to my baby.

Even if you don't read all the travel posts on my blog, I can atleast request you to read my first travel post as stated above. I will be happy.
My travel blog's sole purpose is to share my travel experiences and my travel stories with you. Writing, though is tedious and pretty frustrating, at times.

If you have anything to say, please drop me a mail, and it will make me mutter, "Oh! I have got a mail." A simple cheery "hello" will do as well.

Thank you for stopping by!

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